Sophie Kinsella´s shopoholicböcker...

Författaren Sophie Kinsella utnyttjar på ett fantastiskt sätt vårt dåliga samvete när vi shoppar för mycket. Hon skildrar en hjältinna som reser sig varje gång hon trillar dit. Rebeccas fantasifulla knep för att betala tillbaka sina skulder är både avväpnande och desperata men framförallt underhållande. Hennes bekännelser är världens bästa kick när allting hänger på en tråd. Kommer Becky att kunna leva upp till sitt nya motto: Köp bara det du verkligen behöver?

Alla böcker som Kinsella skrivit är underbara och upplyftande att läsa, men speciellt shopoholic-serien.
Kan inte låta bli att sitta och småle och då och då kan jag inte hålla in ett gapskratt när jag läser om Rebecca.
Detta är ett måste för alla som är som mig: dvs älskar pastellfärgade chiclit-böcker, mode och shopping helst sittandes i solen med en kopp kaffe i handen.


Right from the start, you knew that you and Becky ? Bloomwood, now Brandon ? would be pals. It's almost a shame that she is a fictional character, and one who already has a best friend. Still, you identify with the fun-loving, laugh-out-loud antics of Becky. But how alike are you two, really? Find out where you fall on the Becky scale by taking the short quiz below.

Have you ever:

1. Rationalized an accessory purchase this way: "If I had it, I wouldn't need to buy any new clothes. Ever. Who needs a new skirt when you have the hippest bag in town?"
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


2. Used a pair of shoes as the lynchpin in a key negotiation?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


3. Spent a lot of time getting ready for an important event since it's obvious you'll always remember what you were wearing for it?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


4. Counted your lucky stars that you don't have one "special occasion dress"? (Like your mother does.)
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


5. Thrown stuff in a suitcase for an unexpected, must-pack-now trip, only to stop yourself moments before departure when you realized that the whole it-doesn't-matter-what-I-take strategy really doesn't work for you?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


6. Gone on a hike carrying Evian facial spritzer and a manicure kit?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


7. Phoned a friend's mom when you were having trouble getting that friend on the phone?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


8. Done all your food shopping at a department store?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


9. Bought a Miu Miu hair clip as an "investment" for your child?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


10. Decided you need someone to teach you new ways ... like Yoda?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


11. Informed you mother-in-law you're planning to name your baby Pomegranate or Armeggedon, just to wind her up?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


12. Been anyone's muse?
Of course. Who wouldn't? On occasion. Nope, never.


Of course. Who wouldn't?

On occasion.

Nope, never.

Scoring: Give yourself three points for each "Of course. Who wouldn't?", two points for each "On occasion.", and one point of each "Nope, never." Here's how you measure up...

1-14 You're obviously your own person, but you can pick up some pointers from Becky when you pick up SHOPAHOLIC & BABY.

15-29 You enjoy sitting at a marble top table and having a proper cappuccino, even if your carrier bags aren't overflowing. Becky would be proud.

30+ Life with you is an adventure, Becky.

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